First urban art semi print in THE NO FACE collection. After days of designing, hours of drawing and 8 hours of cutting the stencils I finally started this B1 – 100x70cm – format semi print series within THE NO FACE collection I´m working on for a couple of years now. It took me some serious amount of time to finally be able to bring my vision into the reality and start producing an art series that I can carry through years and still be motivated enough to continue, develop and explore.

A portrait interpretation of the art district at the Letná quarter of Prague city, represented by the House by the Chapel corner building right next to the Little Berlin blocks from the beginning of 20th century, covered with graffiti as all the neighborhood is.

Working with the aesthetics of the bubble throw ups and marker tag fonts I was able to achieve the conjunction of both form and sense I´m aiming for in this series.

The soundtrack goes hard on classical melodic variations representing the architectural aspect as well as the boom bappy vibes and sonic elements that stand for the graffiti aspect of the work as life growing over the city in time.

Watch the video below to see the creative process and listen to the soundtrack.